Quite understandably, complaints are usually perceived by organisations as unwelcome. However, they can be a useful source of information about the client's perspective of our services and can be used as a resource for contributing to professional development. Complaints are frequently resolved by giving the complainant an opportunity to air their grievance and receive an explanation of the issues involved. If the complainant knows that they are being listened to and taken seriously, they will often respond in a more positive manner.

Sometimes, and not that infrequently, it is appropriate to offer an apology to the complainant. The traditional advice of "never apologise, in case you jeopardise your legal position" is not always appropriate and can make matters worse. Any client wishing to make a complaint is taken into a private area and time given to hear the complaint in full. If the complainant is not the client, written consent must be provided by the client on whose behalf the complaint is lodged.

When a complaint is made, the registered manager records the relevant information on the complaint form, which is then signed by the client. It is explained to the client that the matter will be investigated, and a report or acknowledgement will be supplied within two working days. The complaint form is referred immediately to the clinic management. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the clinic management endeavours to resolve the complaint as far as possible to the client's satisfaction. The client will receive the outcome in writing. In the case of minor matters, the client may be informed by telephone. Should the client remain dissatisfied, the client can escalate their complaint through.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
Rhydcar Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ
0300 062 8163

National time limits for complaints are met as follows:
• A written acknowledgment is sent within two working days (unless a full reply can be completed within five working days).
• A full response is sent within 20 days; or, where an investigation is ongoing, a full response is sent within 5 days of its conclusion.

The client is supported in their access to this procedure. SKINFIX Clinic takes care to assure the client having raised a complaint will not affect their standard of care and treatment in any way.
• A register of complaints is maintained, including any action taken.

This File provides Pro-forma documentation as follows:
• A copy of the Patient Complaints Procedure, which is given to each complainant.
• A template for a letter to be sent to the complainant.
• A template for the complaint Log.

Complaints Policy